Town Information
Go here for links to people to contact with commonly asked questions
Request the Use of a Room in the ILM School
Deal with a problem animal?
Animal Control:
Debbie McMahon
phone: (802) 928-3040
Get a Burn Permit?
Forest Fire Warden: Sean Peters (PENDING confirmation by VT Department of Forestry)
Burn Permits: Sean Peters (PENDING confirmation by VT Department of Forestry) 802-399-9411
More information on burn permits:
What can you burn? Find out here: Guidance on Open Burning from the Department of Environmental Conservation
More information:
Contact the Select Board?
2022 Selectboard Members:
- Rustam Spaulding (Chair)
Contact Town Clerk for contact information
- Paul Zera
Contact Town Clerk for contact information
- Mary Catherine Graziano
phone: (802) 373-9124
Find the Town Ordinances?
You can go here for a current list of ordinances–this list may be incomplete, but it is what our Town Clerk could find: List of Isle La Motte Ordinances and Policies
Or you can contact the Town Office for a list of the ordinances.
Get other information?
Town Office:
phone: (802) 928-3434 office
The town office holds all the town records–land records and tax information, the minutes of town official meetings, and much more.
Request the use of a room in the old ILM school?
There is a process to request the use of a room in the old ILM school. Contact the Town Clerk’s office for details.
If you need to register to vote, or need to pick up your ballot, or see a sample ballot before your vote, you can go to the Town Office when the Town Clerk is there. Town office hours are on the town website here: