About Isle La Motte Town Officer Candidates and Ballot Items


2023 Vote information: 

We have TWO Voting Days this year: Tuesday, March 7 and Tuesday, March 14 –both at ILM school.  The hours are 9am-7pm.

The first vote (3/7/23) will be on the CIUUSD budget, and the Northwest Solid Waste District Bond. 

The second vote (3/14/23) will be the ILM town-specific votes–including articles, budget, and town offices.

The informational meeting about the budget and town report will be on March 11 at 10:00 am.  

You can find information on how to join the zoom meeting here: March 11 Isle La Motte Town Meeting

You can find the official warning here: 2023 Isle La Motte Town Warning. 

Need an absentee ballot?  Here’s a link to print out an absentee ballot request form: Absentee Ballot Request Form


Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by their last name

Cemetery Commissioner (2 year and 3 year)

Paul Langlois

No candidate for other seat


Lyle Andrews

Delinquent Tax Collector

Mary Labrecque

Grand Juror

No candidate 


Louise Defreitas Koss 


Cary Sandvig

Town Agent

No candidate

Town Clerk

Vickie Buswell

Steve Mank

Town Moderator

No candidate

Town Treasurer

Steve Mank

Trustee of Public Funds

Cathy Tudhope

Articles to be voted on:

Article 1. To elect the following officers required by law:
Town Clerk (2yr.) Town Treasurer (2 yr.)
Town Moderator (1yr.) Constable (1yr.)
Select Board (3yr.) Cemetery Commissioner (2yr.)
Delinquent Tax Collect (1yr.) Cemetery Commissioner (3yr.)
Town Agent (1yr.) Lister (3yr.)
Trustee of Public Funds (3yr.) Grand Juror (1yr.)

Article 2. Shall the voters authorize general fund expenditures of $312,858? This
includes all Articles as approved by the Select board to meet the general expenses
and liabilities of the Town for 2023. $240,558 to be raised by taxes, and $72,300
by non-tax revenue?
The Articles for 2023 total $60,545 (Included in budget amount)

Article 3. Will the voters authorize applying any general fund surplus from the
current fiscal year to reduce taxes in the next fiscal year?

Article 4. Will the voters authorize the Select board to borrow in anticipation of

Article 5. Shall the voters authorize highway expenditures of $304,950? With the
amount to be raised by taxes of $224,365 and $80,585 by non-tax revenue to be
used for year-round maintenance of the Town Roads?

Article 6. Shall the voters authorize the Select Board to use $50,000 to start
digitizing all town records? The amount to be fully funded by a grant?

Article 7. Shall the voters authorize the School Board to cease operations for
school purposes of the Isle La Motte School pursuant to the Champlain Islands
Unified Union School District Articles of Agreement?

Article 8. Advisory Article (non-binding): Shall the voters authorize the Select
Board to purchase the Isle La Motte Elementary School if offered for $1.00?

Article 9. Shall the voters change the term of office for Town Clerk from three (3)
years to one (1) year?

Article 10. Shall the voters change the term of office for the Town Treasurer from
three (3) years to one (1) year?

Article 11. Shall the voters renew the Masonic Lodge #81 tax exemption for a
period of five (5) years in accordance with V.S.A. 32 Section 3840?

Article 12. Shall the voters renew the Isle La Motte Volunteer Fire Department tax
exemption for a period of five (5) years in accordance with V.S.A Section 3840?



2022 Voting Information


Voting Day is Tuesday, March 1 at ILM school.  The hours are 9am-7pm.

The informational meeting about the budget and town report was on February  26 at 10:00 am.  You can watch the zoom meeting here: February 26 Isle La Motte Town Meeting

You can find the official warning here: 2022 Town Informational Meeting.   

Need an absentee ballot?  Here’s a link to print out an absentee ballot request form: Absentee Ballot Request Form


Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by their last name


Peter Brzozowy (click here to read FPF post)

Candidate statement on page 12 of 2/16/2022 issue of The Islander

Mary Catherine Graziano (click here to read FPF post)

Candidate statement on page 13 of 2/16/2022 issue of The Islander

School Board

Sylvia Jensen (click here to read FPF post)

Candidate statement on page 13 of 2/16/2022 issue of The Islander

Letter to voters_2022.02.23_Lister & School Brd

Selby Turner

Candidate statement on page 13 of 2 and paid ad on p 4 of 2/16/2022 Issue of Islander


Sylvia Jensen

Candidate statement on page 12 of 2/16/2022 issue of The Islander

Mary LaBrecque

Candidate statement on page 10 of 2/23/22 of the Islander

Trustee of Public Funds

Barbara Callahan

Candidate statement on page 10 of 2/23/22 of the Islander

Carol Goodwin-Bohannon

CanCldidate statement on page 14 of 2/16/2022 issue of The Islander

Other Campaign Items

1) Rusty Spaulding’s  Mailed Endorsement (click HERE to be brought to the letter)

2) An ongoing discussion of the proposed articles, candidate information, and other election-related information can be found on the Isle La Motte Front Porch Forum e-mail “newsletter.” 

When I received permission from the person, I posted an image of the post on this page.  I requested permission to repost from anyone who was posting directly about an article on the election, or candidates who posted information about their candidate positions.  There are several posts that I am waiting on permission from, but I want folks to know where to find them in order to get a sense of the various perspectives on the issues at hand. If you don’t already have access to Front Porch Forum, you can go here: https://frontporchforum.com/ and register to receive news from Isle La Motte. 
Looking for specific posts?  You can find election information here:

2/9/22, Mary Catherine Graziano introduces the existence of this website (islelamotteinfo.com)

2/13/22, Peter Brzozowy puts out a Selectboard candidate statement (image of FPF post below)

2/16/22, Deborah Spaulding endorses Peter Brzozowy for Selectboard, Mary Catherine Graziano puts out a Selectboard candidate statement (image of FPF post below)

2/18/22, Marie and Jay Wright endorse Mary Catherine Graziano for Selectboard, Deborah Spaulding endorses Mary Labrecque for Lister

2/20/22, Susan Larkin endorses Mary Catherine Graziano for Selectboard, Carol Goodwin-Bohannon puts out a candidate statement for Board of Trustees

2/21/22, Robin Gutierrez endorses Barbara Callahan for Board of Trustees, Sylvia Jensen puts out a candidate statement for CIUUSD School Director (image of FPF post below)

2/23/22, Barbara Callahan posts a statement of candidacy/addresses issues raised in Rusty Spaulding’s mailing to voters, Mary Catherine Graziano posts with election information, Barbara Callahan posts a statement about article 5 and 6 (Article 5 is about mailing the town report to voters,  Article 6 is about reinstating regular zoom access to all town meetings)

2/24/22, Mary Labrecque posts a rebuttal to statements made in Sylvia’s 2/21/22 candidacy announcement (Image of FPF post below), Rusty Spaulding posts a rebuttal to Barbara Callahan’s posts from 2/23/22, Sylvia puts out a candidate statement for Lister.

2/25/22, Carol Goodwin-Bohannon posts additional candidate statements for Board of Trustees, Jodi Berg posts a rebuttal to Sylvia’s 2/24 and 2/21 statements, Peter and Michele Murray endorse Mary Catherine Graziano for Selectboard, Mary Catherine Graziano posts about election informational resources for voters.

2/26/22, Deborah Spaulding rebuts Sylvia’s 2/24 and 2/21 statements

2/27/22, Barbara Callahan posts a statement about Article 5: getting a town report mailed to voters, Cathy Tudhope posts some background about Trustees of Public Funds and endorses Barbara Callahan, Sylvia Jensen posts a statement about Article 5: getting a town vote mailed to voters, Barbara Callahan posts a rebuttal to statements about Trustees of Public Funds made by Carol Goodwin-Bohannon.

Additional trustee information 

Peter Brzozowy

Candidate statement on page 12 of 2/16/2022 issue of The Islander


Mary Catherine Graziano

Candidate statement on page 13 of 2/16/2022 issue of The Islander


Rusty Spaulding’s 2/14/22 Mailed Letter 


Sylvia Jensen CIUUSD School Director and Lister Candidacy Announcement FPF Posts

Candidate statement on page 13 of 2/16/2022 issue of The Islander


Carol Goodwin-Bohannon

Candidate statement on page 14 of 2/16/2022 issue of The Islander




Mary Labrecque

Candidate statement on page 10 of 2/23/22 of the Islander